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Gladding, McBean Manufactures Unmatched Durability and Beauty of Premium Clay Roof Tiles
In continuous operation since 1875, our history and the thousands of projects contained within it speaks for itself. We have created works of art for buildings and homes throughout the world. Historical landmarks such as Stanford university and the Ronald Regan Presidential library, proudly display fine examples of our roof tile.
Our Clay roof tiles are manufactured using carefully selected clays and shale’s from our company owned rich clay reserve located in Lincoln, California. Using today’s technology and time-honored production methods the clay is then extruded, dried, and kiln-fired,
resulting in a tile that looks as if it were hand made, reminiscent of a bye-gone era.

All Gladding, McBean Roofing products are Wildland Urban Interface compliant (WUI) and are suitable in Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zones.
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